HOW DID THEY CAPTURE BLACK HOLE : Impossible made possible 

The latest news in the internet that has gone viral and  being circulated is the release of first ever picture of the M87 black hole .
This is a massively substantial moment in the space history because capturing a black hole was considered impossible over the century since it's discovery of existence. The black hole being a giant having an enormous density that sustain a gravitational pull so intense that even  the fastest moving particle i.e..,light can never pass through it.Hence,making the capture of a  black hole , impossible.Then ,how could they capture the black hole that is proved impossible?? To answer that we got to see what actually is a black hole ..

What is a black hole ?

A black hole is a region in space where there is a high density and a high gravitational pull that no objects can escape through not even light which has the highest speed in the universe.A black hole tends to have size and mass that is billion times greater than the sun and has objects revolving around it .At an extent when the celestial objects arrives nearer to the black hole ,it is absorbed by the gravity of the black hole turning everything into space dust and asteroids .

Where is this  black hole ? 

There are many black holes in the universe located at various diastances .There are mainly 4 types of black holes based on their features and characteristics,
  1. Supermassive 
  2. Stellar 
  3. Miniature
The one that has been  photographed is the Supermassive black hole located in the neighbouring Galaxy that is the Messier 87 Galaxy which is at a distance of 55 million light-years from our solar system in the Milkyway Galaxy .This black hole is discovered to be  in the virgo constellation of stars.

How strong is a black hole ?

A black hole can be stronger than anyone could imagine .Despite of the presence of black holes of more than a 100 million in number but,the nearest Supermassive black hole in M87 is heavily gravitational that even light being the fastest cannot pass through it .The brighter region around the black hole is the high emission region where the partickes revolve and the inner region is the dense region called the no emission region .This region compresses by imbibing the particles and planets without a change in mass but a higher increase in density and massive increase in gravity.This increases the gravitational pull rapidly making stronger and powerful.Therefore the mass of the black hole is 6.5 billion times greater than that of the Sun .

How did they capture the black hole ?!!

The M87 black hole being beyond the human imaginations,was discovered to b present in the Galaxy by Karl Schwarzchild   but had no practical proof apart from the theories that he presented .In 1915 ,Albert Einstein ,via his 'Theory of general Relativity ' proved that gravity does influence the motion of light and a month later Karl Schwarzchild found a solution for the theory and was the first person to discover the presence of black hole in the unvierse through his theory .

For a century ,the black hole structure depicted in movies like -interstellar ,The theory of Everything,Explorers ,The black hole ,Pandorum were just mere imaginations of humans according to the theories .

The project of capturing a photo of black hole was started in April 2017 and was discussed for a continuous 10 days and the outcome was that the image of the black hole which is 55 million lightyears ahead can only be observed by a telescope that is as huge as our planet Earth .Hence they came up with a solution of 'The Event Horizon 'telescopes (EHT).This is a chain of radio telescopes spanning almost the entire globe exploring the various parts of black hole .The idea was to capture the parts of black hole from the stations and later clubbing them together to form the final image since the whole coverage is impossible.But the data that was recorded was vast that it could not be transferred via internet.Hence the data was sent to the headquarters stored in large number of hard disks via flights. This process took almost a couple of years .When the data received for processing and exploring the structure,Katie Bouman who was just 29 year old ph.D in  Electrical and Computer science engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed an algorithm known as the reconstruction of high resolution image using CHIRP .This resulted in the formation of the picture of black hole and was released on April 10 2019 marking it as the day of pride for human discoveries in the Space history.


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