Facts you didn't know before !!


One of the most common biometrics verifications involve your fingerprint since it's unique to every individual.Similar to this did you know that everyone has a unique tongue print with specific size and texture that can identify an individual.

The actual word for the "day after tomorrow" is "Overmorrow" . Settong a plan for the day ? Lets make it Overmorrow.

What makes it so special studying in Universities abroad ? Well ,one of the reasons include their "time of built " .
Did you know that the ' Oxford University 'is  older than the Aztec civilization.

Alarms can be annoying sometimes but did you know that there exists an alarm clock that fires a rocket into the air and never stops until you find the rocket and put it back in .

' Men will be men ' fact ."He is checking me out " can no more be funny when you get to know that statistically an average man spends 1 year of his life staring at women .

" I don't like your friend " seems familiar right ? Infact it is as it sounds , whenever a person falls in love they lose an average of  about 2 friends .

That cute snail which you admired that day is an active one becauee snails have an ability to sleep for 3 years .

Feels like you have cut your fingernails few days ago and still has grown a bit more ? That is because your finger nails grow 4 times faster than your toenails .

The longest human pregnancy recorded is 17 months 11 days .

Can you guess the strongest muscle in your body? Not the one that you spent a hour extra working out for in the gym .
The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue .

A human brain has a capacity to store 5 times as much information as Wikipedia.
Remember the saying ' Mind is a powerful place ' ? 

Stomach acid (conc.HCL) is strong enough to dissolve razor blades .

The brain uses the same power as of a 10 watt bulb ..


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